Est. April 13, 2013

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It was so us

Our Valentine's day was so perfect and so us. It was the first Valentine's day that we got to celebrate with each other since last Valentine's day we lived two hours apart.

 It really started on Thursday since I made heart shaped sugar cookies for when he got back from his business trip that Taylor was one this week. He came home in the afternoon with a laundry basket full of clean work clothes. He asked me to put them away, and I replied with some response filled with attitude about why he couldn't do it himself since I had already unpacked his suitcase that he had dropped off earlier. Anyway, under his clothes I found a bag with a Willow Tree in it. I told him weeks ago when we stopped at Porters that I wanted to get one for my birthday or something, and he remembered! And he went to a craft store all by himself which he can't even stand going when he goes with me. How freaking cute is he!?

I got some candy for Taylor,and I was planning on being cute and sneaking it into his car while he was at work so that he would be surprised when he got in it. Unfortunately, it was raining all day and the car that I was left with doesn't have a driver's side wiper so I had to scratch the idea. I just gave them to him, and he found it hilarious that that happened. I also made him some chocolate covered and chocolate filled strawberries because he is awesome and he deserved them.

"This is my better side."
So much pico and so good! If it is your first date I wouldn't suggest sharing nachos because they aren't the most attractive to eat.

We still had a gift card that we received for Christmas to Outback so we thought perfect time time to use it. Well we got there at 6:15 to an hour and a half wait. Uh, no thanks. Next idea was Texas Roadhouse because we have a coupon for there with unlimited uses. Well we had to stop home to get the coupon, and at 6:40 the Roadhouse also had an hour to an hour and a half wait. We should have known better, I know. I really wanted to have a nice sit down dinner since we rarely have them, but at this point I knew that wasn't going to happen. We settled with Costa Vida, and once I had food in my belly it didn't seem to matter anymore.

The number next to the hole that I wrote is the par just to show how terrible we are. 

We then went and played mini golf and some arcade games. I definitely kicked Taylor's butt at mini golf, and the stupid key master game kicked both of our butts. It was one dang good night with my handsome man.

(I only say that it was so us because on Christmas day we came home early, and we wanted to get McDonald's for dinner since it was a long, not the best day and of course it was closed. Talk about a smack in the face when you can't even get McDonald's when the day hasn't already gone like you had hoped. Basically the important days never go like we think they will for us)


  1. You guys are such a cute couple! Love your pics. Also those chocolate filled strawberries look ridiculously amazing. I need to make some of those...

  2. Those strawberries look mouth watering! haha
    Anyways... Hi there. I just wanted to introduce myself as your newest follower. Cute blog :) Hope you'l stop by mine and follow along as well.
