Est. April 13, 2013

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First dance craft

This is a super easy and cheap craft to make. I used this tutorial as inspiration and guidance.

I found the lyrics online and then pasted them a couple of times on a word page in landscape orientation. I bolded and italicized certain phrases that are my favorite. I printed it on white card stock, and then I printed the tree over it. (tree pdf in the link above) Then I cut out the tree and used double sided tape to adhere it to another page of white card stock. I used an expo marker to outline the edges of the tree, but you could use pretty much anything to outline it.

I had some thin white string that I brushed over with red marker to make it stand out more. I looped it over a branch and secured it where I knew each heart would go. I cut my hearts out with a cricut at 1 inch. I used a regular black pen to write our names on the hearts because that was the best thing I had.

And that's all that I did. Serious, so easy! It cost me four dollars for the frame and everything else I already had. I love the sentimental meaning that it has to us, and that it is a subtle reminder of the memories that were made as those lyrics played at our wedding reception.

 photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png


  1. Cute craft! Wishing I had time for some of that this weekend! :)

    1. Thank you! The thing that took me the longest was cutting out the tree. It is such a easy craft!
