Est. April 13, 2013

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Every snowboarder needs a skier

Taylor taught me how to snowboard last year and now going to the mountain is one of our favorite things to do together. It is an exhausting sport to take up, but snowboarding with a skier makes it a lot easier.

Standing up on a snowboard is no easy task, but Taylor uses his ski pole to help me up and it takes so much less effort. (It makes a big difference when you fall quite often so you have to get up a lot more than what a good snowboarder does)

I can rest my board in his skis while on the ski lift. It's amazing how heavy the board gets when you are holding it with one foot. 

I'm pretty sure that this is not a normal thing that a skier might do for you, but Taylor helps me get my boots on. He didn't even complain when I said that my sock was bunched up at my toes so I took my boot off again before leaving the lodge. 

We had the chance to go a couple days before Christmas and it was so much fun! I've gotten a lot better since last year. I made it down the mountain only falling once! That truly is impressive for me haha. I'm so excited that it is only the beginning of the season since that means that we be able to go many more times.

1 comment

  1. That sounds like a super fun activity for you guys to do together, enjoy!! And I love the look on Taylor's face in the picture of him helping with your boot - tell him that bloggers photograph everything; he'll get used to it :).
