Est. April 13, 2013

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I'm Semi-impulsive!

First thing you should know is that I am a super indecisive person. I think about things and ask everyone their opinion before I make a choice. That is if I can even come to a decision. Try planning a wedding being like this, and having a mother that is the same way. It is nearly impossible.

The second thing you should know is that I've practically always had long hair. When I was little it was down to my butt. About a year and a half ago I donated my hair, and it was just starting to get long again. I simply love having long hair.

About a week ago I made probably one of the most impulsive decisions about my hair. I cut at least five inches off. That is ten months worth of growing, and to me that's a big deal. I figured with Idaho's above average summer we're having/going to have and the fact that the house I babysit in is consistently up to 80 degrees by noon it was too much for long thick hair. All weddings were over for a long time so I didn't need it to be long for anything either. I thought about it for a week, and only consulted my mom, Taylor, and my sister. That really is the fastest I have made any decision like this. Go me :)

I've only ever had my hair cut by my aunt Beckie and my hair dresser of 10+ years. Being that I'm way too far away from either of them I had no choice but to wait forever or find someone else. I chose some place in the mall that I could get into fast so I wouldn't be able to change my mind. I walked in to my appointment, and found out a guy was going to be cutting my hair. Imagine my horror. I was in total freak out mode. While he was cutting my hair he told me that I was going to LOVE the back, and that he loved the arches in my eyebrows. (he had just waxed them) He also loved the color of my hair, and couldn't believe that it was my natural color and I hadn't dyed it. It was the weirdest hair appointment of my life, but now my hair is short and it was a mostly good experience.

1 comment

  1. Okay, I'm the same way when it comes to impulsive hair cuts! Yours looks super cute, though; that's the perfect length where it's long enough to still put up in a ponytail, but not so long that it's too heavy/hot on your head. And the guy sounds hilarious :).
