Est. April 13, 2013

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Spread Thin?

Growing up we always had Mormonads laying around the house, and this morning I was thinking about a specific one. I looked all over Google, but was having trouble finding it. I remembered exactly what the picture on it was just not the exact words. Thanks to a tiny picture of it on I was able to find a bigger picture of it.

I had three work days off this week which made me excited because I finally got to be a housewife for a few days. I cleaned, I made cookies and brought them to Taylor at work, and kept the house in order. Thursday eventually came and I had to go back to work. By the time I got home I didn't want to clean, and by Friday after work I didn't want to do anything. I felt like all I had done all week is clean. Whether it was cleaning our apartment or picking up after the kids I wanted none of it. Sadly, there is always something that needs cleaned.

I woke up this morning dreading the chores I needed to get done knowing I had to do them by myself since Taylor had to work a half day. I had a list a mile long that I needed/wanted to get done. The apartment was a mess, and Sheldon is staying with us again for at least the 7th weekend in a row. I know it is only Sheldon and he wouldn't care, but no one wants their house to be dirty when they have a guest coming. Dishes needed done, floors swept and vacuumed, bedroom cleaned, and so on. On top of the cleaning I wanted to make my mom's potato salad and I wanted to make cookies again and do a better job than last time. We went grocery shopping last night and all of the cupboard food still needed put away. It was just a lot, I was tired, and it wasn't even 8 o'clock yet. 

At 8:21 I took a step back and realized there is no where that says I have to do everything on my list, and maybe I should sit down and eat a bowl of cereal first. This is when the Mormonad came into my mind. The way I was feeling is a little different then what the ad says, but why am I trying to spread myself too thin? Any of it could be done later in the day or another day. 

I think one of the hardest things when you're newlyweds is realizing that the TV show housewife you have in your mind is far off from what you might be ale to be. Taylor married me knowing that I would be working fifty hours a week, and he never said that I had to do everything. No one expects us to be perfect except for ourselves. 

1 comment

  1. Love old school Mormonads. And their messages - sounds like this one is a good one for you to take to heart. Good job recognizing it; that's half the battle. Cut yourself some slack, prioritize, etc, etc. You're a superstar!!
