Est. April 13, 2013

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Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the world! I am so lucky to be your daughter.

It is so hard to put into words how my dad actually is. He made sure that we always took family vacations that turned into great memories. 

He is annoying as can be, but it is all out of love. I really don't think I would want him any other way. Sometimes he even lets us annoy him without getting mad at us. Everyone needs a taste of their own medicine. 

He is always there for me in the big moments of my life. He sat through 15 baton recitals and is still sitting through more of Rebekah's. He sat through many parades, and went on many baton trips. He sat through my super hot and long graduation, and was there to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day.

He has spent many hours driving the boat around so that we could ski/tube/knee board/wake board until our hearts content. He does this without even asking if someone else will drive the boat so that he can take a turn. 

He taught me to love the outdoors, and to love fishing. He taught me to shoot a gun, and didn't hate me for not wanting to hunt. He taught me to camp, build a fire, and cook in a dutch oven. 

He is a dang good dad, and has gotten the opportunity to be a dang good grandfather. I don't know what I would do without him. He does so much for my family, and puts everyone before himself. I love you daddy!

1 comment

  1. Of all my memories my favorite ones are of Rachel and Rebekah climbing up on my lap to have some Dad time. My Rae of Sunshine, and my Princess, what more can a Dad ask for. Once Rae hit her teen years Dad wasn't cool any more, its good having her back, and I can't wait to some day have her little girl climb up on my lap for Grandpa time.
