Est. April 13, 2013

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Randoms {4}

All I can seem to throw together these days are Hudson's monthly updates or post that are jumbled together with many of the different things going on in our lives. So here is another quick updates with stories that have waited too long to be shared, and random updates on what is going on in our lives.

Please note how different the spots where the water hit us are. Hello height difference.

So old, but too funny not to scare. I threatened Taylor with April Fool's Day pranks every day for the week leading up to the actual day. I never really had anything planned, but it was fun to make him squirm a little. I put peanut butter under the screen door handle and somehow he grabbed it just right that he didn't grab it. I told him about it after and we both laughed. Well, we had to run to Winco that night so as he was getting changed I ran and put peanut butter under the car door handle. That time I got him good. There might have been a mini victory circle done by me complete with laughter and cheers.
Taylor couldn't let me get away with it without revenge so he plotted his move. There is a hair tie around the sink sprayer that we use when we bathe Hudson. After dinner I went to rinse my plate and put it in the dishwasher when I got sprayed. Of course I panicked and tried using my plate to shield me from the water rather than turning it off right away. Afterwards I found out that Taylor accidentally got himself with his prank. He finished his dinner and washed his plate before me, forgetting that he had tied that sprayer. Somehow he managed to keep quiet when he did it because I had no idea that it happened even though I was sitting on the couch not too far from the sink.
So maybe we aren't the best at pranks. We both had some pretty good laughs, and I'm pretty sure that April Fool's Day kicked our butts.
Whoo sorry that was so long winded.

We bought a grill! We had been using my pink George Foreman from college that could only cook one hamburger at a time so we were dying to get a real grill once we bought a house. Unfortunately, house projects took all of our money and left us broke last summer which meant that we had to wait until this summer to get one. We are kind of in love with it and have probably grilled once a week since getting it.

I've started another semester of school and let me tell you if you think school is hard, try being a full time student with a baby. Either my school work is done and my baby is taken care of or my baby is taken care of and my house is clean. You really can't do all three. Not if you want to get any sleep that is. And with a baby that still doesn't sleep through the night and a class at 7:45 in the morning I'm not getting much sleep anyway.

Ignore the rocks that I threw in it so I could use them to mark plants..
Taylor has the picture of it filled with dirt on his phone and it's raining so I'm not going to go take one.
Just use your imagination to see what it looks like filled with dirt.

We made a raised garden bed this past weekend! The area that we cleared out last year turns out to be far too ridden with weeds. We were told that they're lilacs, but we're not positive since they are still so small. So on a whim we decided to go with plan b and make a raised garden bed instead. 53 dollars later and it is perfect. We got the soil for 10 dollars on craigslist which is a steal since they sell a bag of soil that would hardly have touched the space we needed to fill for 10 dollars. Taylor even let me screw in some screws :) And Hudson chilled in his pack n' play the whole time we worked. He is seriously the chillest baby ever.

Speaking of Hudson, what is a post that doesn't contain a picture of him? He has got the cutest fuzzy hair now and spends his days just cooing away. I adore watching him work on his hand eye coordination as he figures out how to grab toys, and how could I not love him flashing his smile every chance he gets? He spends the days that I'm at school with his Aunt Rebekah, and the rest of his time with Taylor and I. He likes to take awesome naps every once in a while that let me get tons of school work done. Or he sits in my lap and plays with a toy or is mesmerized by my computer screen while I try to get an assignment done.

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1 comment

  1. Man that sounds so rough trying to go to school while you have a baby! Way to go though :) And that is too funny about all your pranks :)
