Est. April 13, 2013

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12 Months of Hudson// Month 5

-Eats five ounces every 4ish hours
-He is usually up twice a night, but he no longer gets his pacifier whatsoever at night.
-Still goes down at 8 some nights it is more like 7:30 depending on how tired he is. He gets up early when I have class, but other days he sleeps in until 8:30.
-We stopped swaddling him just after he was 4 months old and haven't looked back. We figured that he was sleeping so poorly anyway that getting rid of the swaddle couldn't make it any worse.
-teething is so fun... In the words of Taylor, "Why is teething even a thing?"
      -He has got two "tooth buds" in the words of his doctor. Or more easily explained two little white spots, one of his bottom right and one on his top left.
-His fist or our fingers is his favorite teether
-Size 2 diapers during the day. Size 3 at night.
-Mostly 3-6 month clothes with a few 0-3 months mixed in.
-Hates rice cereal. We thought he wasn't ready for solids, but we think that he just hated the taste so I doubt we will ever bother giving it to him again.
-Does really well with baby food. (We're hoping to start him on baby led weaning soon)
-Likes bananas, carrots, avocados, peas, and an apple and banana blend. Which is all of the food other than rice cereal that we have tried so far.
-Baby food for a late dinner between 7 and 7:30 and sometimes for lunch.
-Figured out how to jump in his jumparoo.
-Plays with toys all the time.
-Loves to be thrown up in the air.
-Works hard on his hand eye coordination.
-Grabs at my laptop when I am trying to get homework done.
-Getting dressed after a bath is his least favorite time of the day. He has no problem getting out and dried off, but getting dressed is a whole different story.
-He has gotten a lot faster at rolling over.
-Started rolling over while in his crib. For the first month of his rolling over he didn't do it in his crib, but that has definitely changed.
-Sleeps on his stomach. It took him a couple of days to be comfortable sleeping on his stomach, but now he seems to prefer it.
-Has the cutest fuzzy hair.
-Loves his Aunt Rebekah. He seems to laugh more for her than anyone else.
-Babysat by his Aunt Rebekah 3 days a week while I am in class.
-We have started buckling him into his swing now because he is a crazy child. He spends his time in it trying to roll out rather than sleeping if he is't buckled in.
-He has figured out how to really push up on things(car seat, swing) with his feet and arch his back when he does't want to be put in them.

The bond between this boy and his father is the greatest.

One day while out and about he just started chomping on the antenna. 
He continued to do it for like 2 minutes content as could be.

Trying rice cereal for the first time

He will jump for a few seconds and then just hang out for a few minutes

Hanging out on the floor sitting during the primary lesson

His four month check up was 8 days into this month so I'll include it here. We saw a different doctor this time and I really liked him. He gave us the okay to start solids and even encouraged it. Hudson was 25 and 3/4 inches-70th percentile and 14 pounds 11 ounces- 30th percentile. He did better with his shots this time and actually calmed down after them. He even calmed down and was okay enough that I was able to run to Walmart real quick right after his appointment.

Hudson got his first sunburn. we went out for a walk one evening and when we got home we went into the backyard to weed and take care of our garden. It wasn't that sunny out and we hadn't planned on staying outside so it was a bit of a surprise when we noticed the top of his head being fairly red later that evening and when he woke up the next morning.

Since he wasn't swaddled anymore and he was becoming more reliable on his pacifier to fall asleep than we wanted him to be it seemed like the perfect time to let him cry it out a bit and figure out how to self soothe better. Let me tell you I am so happy that we did. He started to sleep so much better once he figured out how to fall asleep on his own. He is back to waking up only once or twice a night which has been a huge improvement. We feed him a bottle and put him in his crib awake, and let him do his thing. Some nights he lays there and talks to himself for a few minutes while other nights he goes right to sleep. Some nights he cries longer than others and some nights he doesn't cry at all, but he is usually asleep in 15 minutes or less. One night I put him down, he cried for 5 minutes and then spent the next 45 minutes just hanging out before he fell asleep.

Our bishop at church commented that Hudson is the happiest baby that he has ever seen. The boy loves to smile what can we say? :)
And ever since our bishop made that comment just about everyone that Hudson meets comments about how smiley he is.

Every month I think that I am going to have less pictures to include in his monthly update, but here I am with a ton of pictures once again.

Little tooth bud that has been there for weeks now

Terribly quality, but I cant help but smile as I watch these two play together from across the room.
&He loves when he get to ride in the shopping carts.

This bottle with handles has been one of the best baby purchases that we have made. 
It allows him to hold the bottle easier than his regular bottles.
&yay for shopping cart germs
He was not too impressed that we woke him up early to get free breakfast at Chik-fil-a.

Ignoring dad's attempts to play

First time trying rice cereal
&We often find him with crossed ankles. 
When daddy is a tractor mechanic you wear tractor onsies.
&I brought Hudson in to bed after he woke up and left him to go to the bathroom.
Coming back to this was the sweetest thing.

Just your average game of 'how many toys can we pile on Hudson before he does something about it'
&Hudson was fussy in church until Taylor started putting his feet to his face.

Like father like son. Taylor sleeps with his face covered and Hudson occasionally does too.
Seriously though. I moved the blanket down in the middle of his nap, and he moved it back

Mother's day card/craft he did with his babysitter(Aunt Rebekah)

Playing with his toys while half rolled over

Driving grandpa's truck
&The cutest pea covered baby I ever did see.

My smiley boy
& proud that he was able to get the plastic that was near his play mat
Comparing faces

Loves his toes

I left him sitting up on the couch while I made him a bottle. 
I returned to find him laying like that.
(Note to self don't leave Hudson alone on the couch anymore)
&sweet boy in the furniture store

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