-Hudson is a big fan of sleeping with his arms above his head.
-At his two week appointment he was 7 pounds 9.5 ounces and was still 21 inches long.
-A week ago he was still 21 inches long and weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce. 49th and 40th percentile respectively.
-Still wears newborn clothing with a few smaller 0-3 months outfits mixed in. Only fits into newborn sleepers. 0-3 months sleepers are huge on him.
-Occasionally wearing the last of the newborn diapers we have during the day, but usually wearing size 1 diapers.
-Eats 2-3 ounces every 3 hours.
-Sucks on his hands when hungry.
-His cheeks have filled out and he has developed a double chin.
-Sleeps in 3 hour stretches at night. Sleeps in his crib in his room until 5-6 in the morning and then he gets snuggled back to sleep with us since I'm not willing to fight him for that last stretch of sleep.
-Cat naps during the day unless he is held or in his swing and then he will sleep longer periods of time.
-Ever since he was two weeks old he has spent relatively long periods of time wide awake.
-Only gives us smiles when he is starting to fall asleep.
-Lost his umbilical stump when he was 8 days old.
-Swimming arms and hands.The doggy paddle is his specialty.
-Hates to wake up.
-He is a pro at arching his back. Especially when you try to lay him down to change his diaper.
-He is able to lift his head quite well.
-He doesn't lift it during tummy time, but he loves to push off your chest and lift his head so that he can look at you.
-Car rides put him to sleep incredibly fast.
-Enjoys baths until it is time to get out.
-Dark dark dark gray/blue eyes.
-Loves to stare at lights.
-Can snore with the best of 'em.
His first new year celebration was extremely low key. We spent the night at home, watched the ball drop live (yes that means at ten our time..), and went to bed.
Before Taylor went back to work we would usually tag team taking care of Hudson at night. Now I usually take care of him at night since Taylor is the one that works and I can take a nap if Hudson allows me to. If Hudson wakes up while I'm pumping Taylor will get him and tend to his hungry belly, but as soon as I'm done pumping I take him. I definitely look forward to weekend nights though when Taylor can help more.
Hudson had his first cold when he was a week old. Talk about terrifying for brand new parents! He became super congested and developed a small cough. We battled with ourselves about whether or not we should take him to the doctors, but we toughed it out and he slowly got better. We bought a humidifier which helped his cold and our colds as well.
Hudson caught his cold right as I was going to try to start breast feeding again. His cold lasted a couple days and by the time it was over my nipple shield somehow ended up in the garbage disposal and definitely wasn't ever going to become clean enough to use again. By this time we had gotten into a routine with pumping and so I still pump and feed him the milk from a bottle. We would have to be done with breast feeding by the time I go back to school in April anyway so I think that we are just going to stick with pumping. Maybe with the next one we'll get breastfeeding to work for us.
We only have one size one nipple for the type of bottle that Hudson uses. We have a couple size twos that get used when I store breast milk in the fridge before freezing it. One day Hudson started to leak a lot of milk out the side of his mouth while eating. I mean enough milk to soak the top of his outfit. This went on for a few days until I washed bottles and happened to look at the number on the nipple. He had been using a size two nipple which was the culprit for the messy eating. The nipples must have gotten switched without us realizing it or thinking to check. Thankfully, once we switched the nipple size his feedings went much better. Talk about a mom fail.
Hudson's Grandma Thomas and Poppy came to visit for ten days. It was so great to have them here. We wish that they lived closer so that we could spend more time with them.
After getting him circumcised we had to put vaseline on it at every diaper change. The extra time that it took to put the vaseline on it was the perfect amount of time that it took for him to pee. I was peed on quite a few times. He got my mom twice, nearly got Aunt Rebekah, and I believe that he peed on Taylor a few times as well. So glad that we're done with the vaseline and usually done with being peed on!
Church in an outfit from his Grandma Thomas & tummy time
We love having Aunt Rebekah live so close
Sleepy smiles <333333 & spell casting?
I can't believe how much our lives have changed in the last month. We've got a constant dirty diaper pile by our front door. There are baby toys/activities throughout our house. I've had spit up in my hair and it stayed there until I had a chance to shower the next day. I've also had spit up on my clothes and didn't change them for hours. We went from sleeping nine hours straight a night to waking up every couple of hours. When we stop at a gas station only one of us goes in because we don't want to deal with taking the car seat in. I've loved more than I ever thought possible. This tiny human is definitely worth every change in our lives.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)
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