How far along? 37 weeks. Baby is over 6 pounds!
Total weight gain: +20
Maternity clothes: I now wear Taylor's pajama pants around the house because my sweatpants are a smidge too tight. I need to invest in some maternity leggings asap. My maternity pants are fitting weird now but there isn't much that I can do about that.
Stretch marks: I never knew that stretch marks could hurt, but ouch! Mine sting where my pants put pressure on them. I know I'm not using as much lotion on them as I should be but even when I do use lotion they still sting.
Sleep: is for the weak. Even when I do sleep I wake up feeling exhausted and worn out.
Best moment this week: Completing my preschool teaching days. They were so stressful and time consuming.
Miss anything? Just being able to move around with ease.
Movement: Not so many kicks but lots of pushes and large movements. He still loves to shove his foot in my ribs but has now started to give my left rib a little attention rather than only loving on my right rib.
Food cravings: I haven't really been craving anything in particular. I just get so hungry often and full so fast. I barely ate anything for Thanksgiving, but I was so stuffed at the same time.
Anything making you sick or queasy: Nothing that comes to mind :)
Gender: A baby boy.
Labor signs: Hudson is head down. I haven't been checked for dilation or anything so I don't know about that yet.. Still no contractions.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain. Turns out I have had this for weeks now, but I didn't know what it was until I mentioned it at my last appointment. It is probably my least favorite symptom that I have had to deal with. Heart burn. Back pain. Peeing more frequently. I can't breath anymore with this babe squishing my lungs.
Belly button in or out? In. But it is not nearly as deep as it used to be.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I know that I've gotten a bit moodier lately, but part of that is to blame on the fact that I don't sleep well, and I am swamped with school work.
Looking forward to: Not being pregnant anymore. The semester being over-two more weeks! My parents and sister coming. They fly in on the 31st and I really don't think that I could be any more excited than I am. I get to show them our house and, of course, this new babe that will be here by then.
Pictured at 36+3
My mother in law threw Hudson and I an adorable rubber ducky themed baby shower last week. I didn't think to get out my camera, but it was a lot of fun. It was great to get to see some of Taylor's family again. Hudson was lucky enough to get a swing, some clothes, a Case tractor blanket, and a new toy. I am so grateful for the gifts that we have received. They are helping us tremendously.
My appointments are every week now which is just crazy to me. I can't believe that Hudson is due to arrive in three short weeks. My midwife asked me at my appointment on Tuesday if I think he is going to come before Christmas or after Christmas. I'm really hoping that he comes before Christmas. I would like to have as much time to recover as possible before my parents come, and I really want to meet this boy sooner rather than later.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](
I love that picture of you by the Christmas tree!