Est. April 13, 2013

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Hurry up, April!

I don't know what it is, but I think that I am officially in an end of winter slump. The local ski resort is closed due to early warm weather. It isn't warm enough to do much of anything outside because it has been so dang windy and rainy for the past week or two. Things are starting to pick up for Taylor at work. Basically that all translates into, I am bored and ready for spring and summer to begin.

To top off this end of winter slump we had a visit to the doctor's office earlier this week. The visit resulted in strep throat for Taylor and getting a TB test that I needed for school taken care of. I am happy to say that that is behind us.

There is so much in April that I am looking forward to that I need this time to go by faster for. There is my birthday, our anniversary, a new semester starting, Easter, receiving my endowments, my nephew being born, and my mom coming out here to visit. I don't think I have mentioned that on here yet, but my mom is coming out here for a week on April 15th! I haven't seen her since May so to say that I am a excited is an understatement. She is coming out for my brother's first baby that is soon to be born, but it also means that she will be here for Easter. I can't wait to spend a holiday with my family. Time please go faster!

Thankfully, we are headed to Las Vegas/Mesquite next weekend so hopefully that will help with this slump and make March go by a little quicker.

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  1. That's so amazing that you're going through the Temple! It will definitely be an experience you'll never forget!! :) Sounds like a busy and exciting month!

  2. I feel your pain! I can't wait for Winter to be over! I just want it to be WARM!
