Est. April 13, 2013

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Spring Wreath

I made the easiest spring wreath last week so I thought that I would share it with you.

You will need:
- Flowers of your choice. (The number of flowers that you will need is dependent on the type of flowers that you choose and the size of the letter that you use. )
- Paint
- Wooden letter
- Hot glue and glue gun
- Grapevine wreath
Optional-Polka dot template

Paint your letter whatever color you choose, and once that is dry paint your polka dots on it. I used my cricut to cut out circles and used that paper as my template. Lay out everything on the wreath to figure out where you want things before gluing. Once you have your placement figured out you can use hot glue to attach your letter to the wreath. Once your letter is secured you can attach your flowers with hot glue as well. And then you are done. Seriously that simple and so cute!

 photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png