Est. April 13, 2013

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1 Month

How the heck have I been married for 1 month already?! I get that isn't a long time, but man did it fly by. I feel like I have learned so much in this past month about myself and our relationship. I can't even imagine how much more I am going to learn.

The first lesson I learned is that I am NOT an easy person to live with. I am just like my mom which means that I am emotional. I cry over everything and absolutely nothing. I get mad for basically no reason. I'm trying to learn how to not let certain things bother me and to move on to a better mood faster. I don't know how Taylor has survived and I'm not sure how he is going to survive. Makes me very happy that Taylor is an easy going guy, and isn't hard to live with.

The second lesson that I have learned is that it truly is the little things that matter. I'm not here to tell you what to do, but I think that this is a great idea for couples to have. I bought this board at Target for a dollar so it isn't even an expensive thing to do. It doesn't always get changed every day, and there isn't any pressure to write on it. It is nice to see that something small you might have done mattered. Funny story, one day Taylor had written "because... you're a clean person." I'm pretty sure that he meant I don't leave my stuff laying all over or leave the kitchen a mess. I had just gotten out of the shower when I read it so I assumed he meant he loved me because I shower. It could definitely be taken either way.

A big congratulations to Taylor for getting a job! He is going to be a 'yard boy' at Pioneer farm store. He has basically had it for two weeks, but they were super slow with the hiring process. Today is his first day of work. Hooray! I am going to miss my house maid, but yayyyy for both of us working now. I'm so happy for him and us :)

Things we love:
- Thrift store shopping. $1.65 for this operation game that works perfect and is only missing one piece. (I kicked his butt at it) I got a super cute Down East dress for 6 dollars! I was way excited about it. We haven't really gone looking for anything specific, but I think it is fun to look and see what treasures you can find.

- Waffles. My Aunt Sue got us this awesome waffle make for our wedding, and we use it at least once a week. Waffles are just so delicious. Waffles give a whole new meaning to breakfast. 

- Heads up. This is an app by Ellen DeGeneres. It costs 99 cents, but it is SO worth it. It is meant to be played in teams, but being that we don't have any friends we just play it with two people. Our favorite category is 'Act It Out'. I could go on and on with hilarious stories of us playing it, but I will have to save them for another post. For real though funniest app ever.

- Bike rides. It is nice to have something to do to get us out of our apartment at night. We have a neighborhood that is nice for riding and a good park we can go to that isn't that far away. The weather is warming up nicely so we have been able to go a couple times so far, and I see many more bike rides in our future.   

1 comment

  1. Happy one month anniversary! Um, that second paragraph is pretty much me and Chuck; I always joke that we can't have daughters because I'm hormonal enough for our whole house :). But I love that you guys are adjusting well and having fun and being happy! P.S. The 'being that we don't have any friends' line made me laugh really hard. Good luck with that!!
