Est. April 13, 2013

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Easter 2016

Now that I'm finished with student teaching I might actually become a regular blogger again.. 
Maybe not though.
Either way it's about time I got down our Easter festivities.

I say this about every holiday, but Easter with a child is so much fun!
Last year Hudson was only 4ish months old, so we didn't really do much of anything except pose him for some super cute Easter pictures. Found here.
This year we did everything we could with him :)

He went to his first Easter egg hunt!
It was over in about .2 seconds and he basically got blown away by the crazy parents, but he still managed to get 4 eggs so we're calling it a success.
It was stinking cold though. Whoever decided that egg hunts need to be at 10 in the morning in eastern Idaho is crazy. I'm not even sure that it was 30 degrees out yet.

We dyed eggs with him.
He loved dropping the eggs in the dye.
Thankfully his colored hands faded completely with a bath, and he only broke an egg or two.
The kit came with stickers, and I thought Hudson would love them.
That was not the case. He got ticked if we put one on an egg, and he immediately wanted it taken off.

Holding a colored egg :)
We bribed him with a robin egg to get him to sit still enough to take a picture.

Hudson's Easter basket.
The truck/car was his Easter present from my parents. 

Sunday Easter best

He only lasted through sacrament meeting that day, but at least he looked super cute for that hour.
Then we had my sister take him home for a nap because the boy was insanely cranky.

I already can't wait for Easter with him next year.

 photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png

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