Friday, March 28, 2014
What I wish I knew when I was a teenager
High school will not be the best years of your life. Jut think about your college years with awesome roommates. So much better than high school.
Your mom is your best friend. Talk to her. Tell her everything. She knows more than you think, and you won't always be able to hang out in her room talking before you go to bed every night. One day the best thing you will be able to get is a phone call a couple times a week.
Having a job, and working, what seems like, all the time isn't the end of the world. It shows that you are responsible. You are learning invaluable lessons by paying for your own needs at a young age. Save your money! Wasting it on too much clothes and other things that you don't really need isn't going to do you any good in the long run.
You're dad is the best. You may find him to be annoying and maybe even slightly embarrassing, but the things he does to make you feel that way, are what you will miss most about him. He will do anything to provide for you, and has given up more for you than you will ever know.
You don't need to be in a steady relationship. In the end you aren't going to marry him. You are wasting your time, money, and energy on him and any other boy you regularly date.
You will get hurt by boys. It will seem like the end of the world at the time, but it isn't. As time passes it won't hurt so bad, and eventually you won't even think about them anymore.
Try harder in school. It will pay off one day, and even if it doesn't it will make you feel better about yourself. Don't expect mommy and daddy to pay for your college education so you're gonna need to get scholarships or figure out another way to pay for it without getting into mountains of debt.
Not every one is a size small. It's okay to buy bigger sizes and to have a different body type than other girls.
Just be you. Do whatever works for you and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Be happy.
Be nice to others. Life is hard enough without you making it harder for anyone. You have absolutely no reason to talk bad about others. It will only make you look worse instead of them looking worse like you might hope.
You are a daughter of God, and the gospel will mean more to you than you can even imagine. Trust in the Lord. He knows you, and He knows what is best for you. He will be there for you when you think that no one else is.