Est. April 13, 2013

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12 Months of Oaklee// Month 7

Weight: 13-14 pounds

Diapers: Size 2. Size 3 at night.

Clothes: 3-6/6 months

Sleeping: Oaklee usually takes 3 naps a day. Her last nap is really short because we have to wake her up by 6 to make sure she goes to sleep when the other kids do. She sleeps 7-7:30ish at night, but almost always wakes up once a night for a bottle. She continues to take a binky to fall asleep, and that is the only time she will take one. I think she still sleeps on her back, but she is almost always on her stomach when we get her out of her crib.

Eating: She eats 4 ounces of formula every 3ish hours during the day, and has a bottle when she wakes up at night. Oaklee has had purees only a handful of times, and she seemed to like them. I just don't like the time they take to feed her, so we tend to wait until she can have things she can feed herself. She's had cut up steamed carrots and a few bites of our dinners.She has also had puffs and rice rusks.

Milestones: Oaklee is doing a mix of fast inch worming and army crawling these days. She mostly does inch worming though. When she is in hands and knees crawling position, she is starting to lift and move one of her hands. Pro at holding her own bottle. First Christmas and New Years.

Not so much a milestone? but Oaklee got pink eye for the first (and hopefully last time) Thankfully, the drops cleared up her eye by the next day.

Likes: Rise rusks, jumping, mirrors, sitting in the high chair, her siblings talking to her, moving around on the floor

Dislikes: She is starting to dislike being held if your sitting because she would much rather be on the floor moving. She just squirms to get out of your arms. Sitting up. She will forcefully push against you at least half of the time if you try to make her sit up unassisted.

Overall, Oaklee is a pretty happy baby. She's content to just explore the room. She fusses when she's tired and hungry, and that's really about it. We're more than ready for her to stop spitting up all over everything all the time, and we can't wait to watch her get more and more mobile and see more of her personality come out.

She rocked her 6 month check up. She went from the 4th percentile to 10th percentile for weight!

darn pink eye.

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