Est. April 13, 2013

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Weddings Galore & a Week with Family

At the end of July my mom came to visit and attend two of my cousins wedding.

We drove to boise on the 24th, picked up my mom, and stayed the weekend to attend my cousin, Colten's, wedding. Hudson enjoyed being spoiled by his grandma and great grandparents.

Waiting for my mom in the airport. 
Pretty sure he was licking that... hahaha
Also I now know never to let my baby crawl around on an airport floor. His onsie was disgusting afterwards. 

We were fed well, had great company, and a place to stay, so we had a great weekend.

Munching on pickles during dinner. 

On Saturday we went to the Boise temple for Colten's wedding and then headed to Middleton. Before the luncheon we stopped to visit my Grandma's grave. (my mom's mom)

Meeting his Great Grandma Jensen for the first time.

Cousin love
Maverick giving a hug

On the way home we stopped to visit my Great Grandma Jensen. She was very happy to see all of us, and it was great for my mom to be able to see her grandmother again. 

First time Hudson met his Great Great Grandma Jensen

The rest of our week was filled with plenty of adventures. 

We crafted.

My brother, Matt, stopped by for a few days while on his way to Montana. It was the first time that he got to meet Hudson. 

We went to a baseball game. 
Hudson only lasted 3 innings before he was ready for bed. 
Truthfully, I think we all only lasted 3 innings as much as we wanted to blame the baby.

We visited the Greenbelt.

We hiked.

I forgot his hat, but I had an extra pair of shorts in the diaper bag.
Poor guy. #momfail

We got 4 out of the 5 children in my family together.
Along with my momma!

We attended the rodeo.
Grandma worked her magic and got Hudson to sleep during the rodeo. 
The boy was having nothing to do with mom and dad's attempts to get him to sleep.

We attended Justin's wedding in Rexburg and spent time hanging out with cousins at their reception.
I kind of love this whole getting married and having babies stage that we are all at/getting to.

And we said goodbye. 
His Aunt Rebekah left her senior pictures in his crib so that he will remember her.
(He has ripped them all down now. Sorry Rebekah)
For the first time in way too many goodbyes I haven't been pregnant or postpartum hormonal which was so nice. 
I actually didn't cry during the goodbye with my mom, but managed to last until a while later :)
And it didn't make me quite as depressed as the last goodbye when I was 3 weeks postpartum.
A tender mercy really.

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  1. Haha your last paragraph is too funny! I'm happy for you that you didn't have to cry haha :) Also, I'm loving Hudson's faces in the shorts/hat pictures :)

  2. Postpartum or not...I cry every time (always did). Glad you had such a great visit.

  3. You packed a lot into that trip! I love the shorts/hat! Too funny! And the picture of the cousins meeting is adorable!
