Est. April 13, 2013

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12 Months of Hudson// Month 2

-22 inches tall(15th percentile) and 11 pounds 5 ounces(30th percentile) as of the 17th.
-Eats 3-4 (usually 3.5) ounces of breast milk every 3 hours.
-Gives smiles on occasion.
-Happiest in the morning, after waking up from a long nap, and when dad gets home from work.
-Loves to be sat upright and stood up. His legs can support the weight of his body now.
-Size 1 diapers.
-0-3 month clothes. Can still fit in some newborn things, but they are definitely on the tighter side.
-Sleeps in 3 hour stretches at night. (We got a four and a half hour stretch the other night!)
-Swaddled at night, but not usually during the day.
-Will nap through a feeding during the day, but almost never sleeps through a feeding at night.
-Doesn't care about toys.
-His legs have gotten immensely stronger. If you hold his hands he will stand up and hold himself up.
-Head control has also gotten a lot stronger. You can sit him up or hold him him on your hip and he does pretty well without his head flopping around too much.
-Sucks on his knuckles.
-Loves his father. He saves most of his smiles for when he gets home from work.
-He looks like an old man-bald on top with hair on the sides.
-Eyelashes have started to grow. Hoping he has long lashes from my family.
-Eyes have started to change color. Lighter blue around the pupil and the rest is still the same dark blue/gray.
-Does well with tummy time for a few minutes.
-Constantly grabs everything-my hair, our shirt collars, dirty diapers, pacifier.
-Occasionally puts himself to sleep with just a pacifier.
-Can see the mobile on his swing. He likes to sit and watch it spin. (started about 6 weeks)
-Has started to occasionally coo and make noises.
-Shushing calms him.
-Has started to drool in the last week. Hello bibs!

Hudson was sleeping in his crib at the beginning of this month and then he got sick and ended up sleeping in our bed again. We haven't really tried too hard at moving him back to his crib yet, but I'm trying to train him with his naps to get him in there. He will wake up after a shorter period of time if we put him in his crib, but if he sleeps in between us(not touching either of us mind you) he sleeps longer. It is quite frustrating.. But after reading this article on waiting it out I'm not in such a hurry to move him out of our bed because I know this stage will pass faster than I want it to.

I put Hudson in his swing for a nap one day, turned the mobile on, and walked away. A minute or two later I hear him having a little conversation with the puppies on the mobile rather than sleeping.

He had his first sleepover. Taylor had to go away for work so we decided to ditch our empty house to spend some time with my best friend from college. I loved getting to see Reagan and her husband. Her mom and sister stopped by to see Hudson which was so nice of them. Hudson did really well, and I think he loved having some more ladies love on him.

He typically gets grumpy in the evenings. And I mean GRUMPY. He is happy when his father gets home from work and then around 7 he will start to get fussy and cry and cry. Usually the crying is because he is tired and ends up getting overtired and then can't fall asleep.

I set Hudson on the floor for some tummy time and walked away to find something for lunch. All of a sudden I hear the sound of him sucking on something. Knowing that there wasn't a pacifier anywhere near him I figured I had better go check on him. I walked over to see his head laid down with his fist in his mouth and him sucking away. He definitely does his own thing when it comes to tummy time.

There's a little smile and giggle in this video.

Watching the mobile                                                       

The boys love to match on Sundays.
&After work play time is my favorite thing to watch.

Can you say baby suspenders? How about baby pea coat?

Family movie night 
&fist pump for grey's day

church outfit the Sunday before Valentine's Day
&all bundled up for a walk in the warmer weather

Happy to have his father home after he was away for a few days.
&What the floor usually looks after Taylor changes Hudson. 
Most of the time a dirty diaper is still sitting there as well.
He's good at the changing part, not so good at the cleaning up part. 

When cousins have the same outfit by chance you have to put them both in it for a picture. 
Connor 7 months. Hudson almost 2 months.
Connor wearing it in 12 months. Hudson wearing it in 0-3 months. 

Happy to be wearing some new jammies from his Grandma Thomas
&We accidentally left the house without a pacifier... Using my finger got old. 
The dropper from his gas drops was the closest thing we could find to use. 

I'm aware that I take and post on here way too many pictures of Hudson, but I just don't want to forget a single moment with this little boy and this time in our lives. 

Overall Hudson is a really good baby.
We love him more than what seems possible.
Happy two months sweet boy!

 photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png

1 comment

  1. Hudson is such a little angel! Our Vaught is just a few months older than he is. Aren't little boys the best?

