Est. April 13, 2013

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Boise trip

I'm sure you all thought that I had died or left the blogging world and were extremely sad not to see a post for so long, but a new semester started and has consumed all of my time. I figured that you wouldn't care to read about how I go to school, do homework, sleep, and repeat that routine over and over again.

Anyway, we went to Boise this weekend for my cousin's wedding and it was so wonderful to get away. My cousin, Mackenzie, was married in the Boise temple on the most gorgeous day for a wedding. This was the first wedding that we went to since our own, and I must admit that I loved that it wasn't ours.

My mom surprised her sister, Mackenzie's mom, by flying out for the wedding and showing up to the sealing. It was incredible to see the look on my aunt's face when she saw my mom right before the sealing.

Love my forever wedding date.

Stolen from Jana's instagram

On Sunday morning we made a quick trip to visit sweet baby Carma who is about 2 weeks old, and had a mini family reunion with them. I just love cousin Jana and her family. She has the sweetest boys and this little girl fits their family so well.

We could have held that baby alllllll day. 

All to soon the weekend was over, and i had to say goodbye to my family and my mother once again. We stopped to see my great-grandma on the way home which was neat. I'm not thrilled to be thrown back into reality today, but I suppose that's life.
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1 comment

  1. I love that your mom was able to surprise your aunt like that, so cool! And of course I love that we were able to sneak in a visit with all of you while you were here :). Thanks for being so good with Will, he loves you!!
