Est. April 13, 2013

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Week 13 Bumpdate

I don't look any different in the bump area 
so here's an outtake from our announcement photo shoot instead. 

How far along? 13 weeks exactly.
Total weight gain: -9 the first trimester has been rough.
Maternity clothes: Nope. Haven't even thought about them.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Sleep: Lots and lots of it. 

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat for the first time! My midwife said that it sounded really good :)  
Miss anything? Not having to worry about being sick or where the closest place I could throw up is. 
Movement: I don't think so, but I also don't know what it feels like. 
Food cravings: No crazy food cravings. I might want something but that only lasts like 10 minutes. I really think it is only because I feel good enough to eat for so little amounts of time. But then again, our fridge does contain four different kinds of pickles....
Anything making you sick or queasy: Brushing my teeth, not eating, eating anything, swallowing pills, and just about anything else it seemed like. 
Gender: I would love a girl, but we will be happy to have either :)
Labor signs: None.
Symptoms: Acne, morning sickness, fatigue.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Usually happy, but there is definitely some moodiness that sneaks its way out. 
Looking forward to: The semester ending in a month and going home to Pennsylvania a week after!

Ultrasound at 8 weeks 5 days.

The first trimester has truly been hard. I started feeling nauseous all the time around week 5 or 6, and it has just started to get better.Of course that means that I started to feel sick about the time that my semester started. It would have been fine if I could have laid in bed all day, but going to classes and doing mountains of homework made things much more difficult. 

Other than being so sick and busy with school things have gone fairly well. Mother's Day and Father's Day took a completely new meaning to us this year. I know that they will mean even more next year. We're happy to know that the baby is healthy and in a few months we will become a family.

And to anyone that feels we were foolish in announcing so early, 1. We're out of the first trimester so relax 2. I asked my doctor her opinion on it and made the judgement call that I felt was right for us. 3. It's my life so please let me live it. 4. If anything was to happen to the baby I would want people's support and kind words to help me get through it. and 5. Worry about yourself. 

 photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png


  1. Have people been negative about your "early" announcement? I think 13 weeks is plenty far along to announce . . . When I get pregnant, I don't think I'll make it past 9 weeks before announcing, because I'll just be too excited!

  2. Ahhh, you guys are so cute! Love the announcement (which I didn't think was 'early' at all - the end of the first trimester is pretty common) and the 'bumpdate'. I hope you start feeling better!!
