-Wears 18 months shirts and pants and can get away with some 2T not being huge on her.
-Knows her belly, nose, hair, mouth, hands, feet, head, fingers, butt cheeks, and toes
-Calls every animal a puppy
-Idols Hudson and always wants to be with him. Most days she's awake before Hudson, and she immediately goes to his door and starts reaching for the handle while saying his name. I have to do my best to distract her until Hudson is awake.
-Fights with Hudson like craaaazy. They are constantly fighting over toys, sitting on my lap, food, or literally anything else you could fight over
-Kisses the air close to your cheek whenever she gives you kisses. She rarely actually touches your cheek.
-Loves Minnie Mouse. She doesn't really watch tv, but she loves everything that has to do with Minnie Mouse. She's goin to love Disneyland in June! :)
-She does super well at eating with utensils. Of course, she still makes a mess when she eats, but I'm not afraid to give her anything except for cereal with milk. Shas hasn't figured out how to manage something so liquidy on a spoon yet.
-Eats just about anything, but her favorite foods include: strawberries, ketchup, ranch, pizza, hot dogs, bananas, otter pops, spaghetti, and yogurt.
-Just got over a case of double pink eye. It actually didn't seem to bother her very much, which we were grateful for. The thing she hated most about it was getting the drops in both eyes twice a day for a week.
-LOVES when Taylor comes home. She'll watch for him out the front window when it gets close to him coming home, and then she waits by the front door for him to give her a hug once she see him pull up.
-Has to have her blanket and her bottle to go to sleep.
-Sleeps in a twin size bed. For the most part she does great with it. There's only ever been a handful of difficult naps, but they were mainly when something in her routine was changed like trying to get her to go down early before church. She loves and really needed all of the space because she's a bit of a wild sleeper.
-Takes 1 nap a day that is typically around 2 hours or less, and she goes to bed usually at 7 but pretty much always before 7:30. Most days she wakes up around 8.
-Favorite toy is her baby dolls and stroller or anything Hudson is playing with
-She still really doesn't like people, and she especially doesn't like men. She isn't a fan of random people trying to talk to her at the grocery store. When I took her to the doctors for pink eye, the PA asked if she has shown any other signs of sicknesses because she was clinging to me so hard and would barely look at him, so he didn't know if anything else was out of the ordinary for her.
-Because of not liking people she is struggling with nursery-especially one set of nursery leaders. She starts to cry once sacrament meeting ends and screams the second we get close to the door, but I know one day she'll love it.
-Has to give the prayer at dinner every night, and she usually gives 2 or 3 prayers, and they're adorable as can be.
-Her best friend is Emma who lives across the street. She asks for her on a very regular basis, most days before 9 am.
Ella is leaps and bounds above where Hudson was at this age. It's so weird to have a child who actually talks at a normal level for an 18/19 month old, and it's such a relief!
Her most common words and phrases are...
what happened
I stuck
What's that
here you go
Minnie Mouse
my turn
love you
have it
ta da
it's cute
thank you
apple juice
ba ba (bottle)
hot dog
hot & cold
Mommy, Daddy, Hudson, Ella, Emma, Gigi, Poppy, Bekah, Grandma
And she can repeat almost anything you tell her to.
The day I took her to the doctors for pink eye.
Hudson's 18 month update can be found here.
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