-15 pounds 14 ounces. 26 and 1/2 inches long
-5 ounces every 4 hours unless he has had some solids.
-Sometimes sleeps through the night, but he is usually up once a night.
-Size 2 diapers
-Still in 3-6 month clothes with only 3 or 4 6-9 month onsies that aren't too big.
-Gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth and then launches onto his stomach.
-He is able to moved his knees forward when in a crawling position, but he hasn't figured out the hands yet.
-Has got the army crawling down. Well its more of both arms and feet pushing off at the same time, but, still, the boy is moving.
-He will army crawl crazy fast to get our phones if they get left on the floor. And he is literally never allowed to have our phones so he is quite proud if he can get them.
-Sits himself up from lying on his stomach. So weird to go get him from his crib and have him be sitting up. He's a houdini with this. I don't know that I have ever seen him do this, but I will turn around, and he will all of a sudden be sitting.
-Loves his rubber ducky during bath time
-Growing lots of hair. It is without a doubt blonde.
-Loves cords. If one of our laptop cords gets left out he pounces on them like a cat on a mouse.
-Constantly grabs us(our shirts, arms, legs) and tries to pull himself to standing. He doesn't really try to use anything else to stand up with.
-Has started to splash with his hands while in the bath
-Eats solids once a day, sometimes twice.
-Loves his baby food and will eat anything that we give him.
-We have given him some foods that weren't pureed, and he did great with them. So far we have given him steamed cauliflower, bananas, peas, cantaloupe, and watermelon. I imagine that this list will grow substantially in the next month.
-We went out to dinner the other night and he loved bites of rice from my burrito.
-He absolutely loves it when we give him little tastes of our treats.
-The Thomas in him shines through with his love for ice cream.
-He has started to get some seperation anxiety. He doesn't seem to care much if any one person leaves, but if someone walks out of the room and he is alone or sometimes when we walk out of the room after putting him in his crib he will cry because he is being left.
-His nose is always red. I think it's from burrowing his head into the ground while trying to get on his knees, but we don't know for sure.
-Not a single tooth yet. He's rocking a runny nose right now, has been crankier than normal, and sleeping worse lately so he might be teething that first tooth or he just has a cold. We will see.
He showed his true personality at his 6 month check up. He soaked the paper sheet on the table with drool and managed to rip it up even with me doing my best to not let him. Both the Dr and nurse commented on how cute he is and how much he smiles(like they always do). The Dr had minor concerns about his weight gain so we go back in on the 30th to have him weighed again. He did as well as one can expect with his shots, wasn't as grumpy the next day like last time, and we are so excited not to have to get shots at our next check up.
I left Hudson on the floor with a bottle and went to rinse off some dishes. Next thing I knew I heard a toy rattle, and I knew that there weren't any toys close to him when I walked away. I could not believe how fast he moved across the room. We are definitely in a new stage!
I've had multiple people in the last month ask me if Hudson is a year old or almost a year old. They are always surprised when I tell them his age. Giving his percentiles he is not a big boy for his age, so I don't know if it is because he has hit has always hit his motor milestones a little early or if he simply looks older than he is. Either way, I would prefer that he stay little forever.
Loud as can be and this boy slept like a rock through it.
Spitting all day every day.
He has even figured out how to do it with his bink in.
This was from a week ago, and he has gotten so much faster now.
Kelsey's wedding day.
I swear that I will blog about it (and everything else I need to catch up on) in the next week or two.
Father's Day love for his Poppy.
&When your stroller tray looks so tasty..
Helping me put away the laundry.
&My favorite breakfast making sidekick.
He's going to have a sharing problem when he gets a sibling.
&His 6 month check up.
These two<3
&Eating becomes so taxing.
The innocence of a baby is my one of my favorite things.
&He loved cantaloupe!
Driving in the parking lot at dad's work to go grab something.
&Independence Day!
Swimming at Lava Hot Springs
&How can you not love that chocolate ice cream face?
Hudson fell asleep on the pew in church one Sunday.
Taylor said the closing prayer in sacrament meeting.
As soon as Taylor started talking he woke up and looked around for him.
The second picture just kills me.
When diapers go on sale, you buy them.
&We bought a convertible car seat just after he turned 4 months old.
We only use his infant seat if he is riding in Taylor's truck.
Well, we hadn't used it in over 2 months, and I simply could not believe how big he looked.
The best napping partners.
Except Hudson was wide awake just hanging out in the second picture.
These shoes were the cutest, but I was too cheap to buy them for him.
&The cutest little cow I ever did see for cow appreciation day at Chik-fil-A
He crawled all the way over to his walker only to play with the edge of the carpet.
&How is my little baby able to do this now??
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)
Good to know that Thomas ice-cream eating gene is still going strong!