Height: 26 inches- 56th percentile
Diapers: Size 2
Clothes: 3-6 months and 6 months
Sleeping: She's become a pretty good sleeper. She sleeps in her crib, unswaddled, occasionally in a sleep sack. She's in bed by 7 and usually up around 7. She drinks one bottle sometime around 2:30-3, but I hand it to her and go back to sleep. She naps 2-3 times a day depending on what our schedule is like. She is usually awake for 2 or so hours at a time
Eating: She still eats 4-6 ounces of formula every 3-5 hours. Spitting up has basically stopped. Thank goodness! That's one stage I will never miss. We started solids a week or two ago, but she has only had them twice because life is crazy and it obviously takes more time than handing her a bottle. As she gets a little older we'll do baby led weaning like we did with Hudson and Ella, but for now purees are easier for us.
Milestones: She is getting good at sitting up. She still tips over regularly, but even her doctor commented on how well she can sit up for being 6 months old. Holds her own bottle really well.
Likes: moving around/ any and all toys/ getting attention/ jumparoo
Dislikes: being tired or hungry
Avery quite possibly the best baby ever. I think she is even easier than Hudson was, and that is saying something. She is happy and content 95% of the time. The other 5% is her being tired or hungry or wanting to move around. She has a strong desire to be on the move, but she doesn't have the coordination to do much of anything except move backwards and flail around. She does this thing where she lifts her legs and arms up while being on her stomach and flais in an effort to move. All she ends up doing is hitting her face on the ground.
We all got hit with a nasty cold one right after the other, and it was so sad to see Avery suffer. She had a hard time eating for a few days because she couldn't breathe through her nose, so this was a big moment to see her getting over the cold and finally eating again.
Uncle Matt
Avery had a month full of meeting family members.
We took a weekend trip to Utah while my Grandma Thomas was in town. She met Grandma when she was only two weeks old, but she got to meet Molly who is a few months younger than her.
Avery also got to meet Logan who is a cousin on Taylor's side.
Logan is 3.5 months younger than Avery, but he's almost the same size as her haha.