Height: 27-28 inches
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 6 months, 6-9 months, and she's even starting to fit into 9 month pajamas-she's so long!
Sleeping: This girl has climbed mountains in this last month with her sleeping. Instead of it taking us 1-2 hours to get her to sleep 4 or 5 nights a week we are down to that only happening once or twice a week. She likes her binky less and less and at this point she will only take it if I put it in immediately after I take her bottle out while trying to get her to sleep. If she is still wide awake after I feed her (even though I know she's tired), then I put her in her crib and she puts herself to sleep. Wait, whaaaat?! It's a miracle, I know. She doesn't put herself to sleep every time, but she still doesn't it and that is a miracle. I still loosely swaddle her when I feed her and put her down, but she is no longer really sleeping swaddled. If I put her down awake, then she bust out of her swaddle before she is asleep. If I put her down asleep, then she is usually out of the swaddle in no time. Being that she doesn't actually sleep swaddled anymore she has become a belly sleeper. She usually takes 3 naps a day, but that last nap is starting to become a struggle. Most nights she is up once a night, but occasionally she gets up twice and occasionally she sleeps through the night.
Oh and we're pretty sure the days of her napping at church are over. Hudson was the same way though, so I'm night too surprised.
Eating: She drinks 5 ounces every time I put her to sleep so every 3-4 hours just depending. She LOVES solid foods. She'll down a whole jar of baby food and get so upset when it's gone. I usually feed her food for breakfast. We started giving her puffs in the last week or two, and it's safe to say that she is a big fan of them. So far she has liked every food we have given her. except for peas
Milestones: completely sitting up on her own, scooting backwards, getting onto her hands and knees and rocking.
Likes: Hudson playing with her/ sitting up and playing with toys/ swinging in the swing in the backyard/ riding in the tractor's wagon/ food-puffs or purees
Dislikes: being left alone/ falling over while sitting up/ having her face wiped off
Personality: Ella has become so fun. 6 months is the start of my favorite age, so this last month has easily been my favorite month yet with her. She loves to smile and loves to copy you. She idolizes Hudson and giggles at him whenever he plays with her.
Excuse the whining, but here she is getting onto her hands and knees.
Getting her out of her crib is my favorite thing because she is so happy to see you when she first wakes up.
Scooting backwards has gotten her into some tricky situations.
Under the TV stand has probably been her least favorite situation so far.
Hudson's 7 month update can be found here.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)
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