She has a little bit more hair then this picture makes it seem like ;)
Weight: She was 9 pounds 1 ounce on the 16th of November and 9 pounds 5 ounces on the 21st of November (19th percentile). At her 2 month check up she was 10 pounds 3 ounces (24th percentile).Height: 23 inches (71st percentile)
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: Just in this last week she has really started to grow out of her newborn clothes. She's too long for newborn jammies now. Most 0-3 month clothes are still quite big on her, but we're making it work.
Sleeping: We have started a bedtime with her which has made all the difference for Taylor and I. We swaddle, feed, and put her to bed any time between 7 and 8, and then we will wake her up when we go to bed and feed her again so that it will be as long as possible before she wakes up. Most of the time she only wakes up twice at night sometime after 2 and then again after 5, but lately she sleeps until 2:30 and then is up multiple times until she is up for the day close to 8. She sleeps in her rock n play in our room, but once my sister moves out this month she will be moved to her crib in her room. She doesn't really have a nap schedule yet during the day, but she sleeps whenever she needs and isn't typically swaddled.
Eating: She eats 3.5-4 ounces when I pump, and she eats every 2.5ish hours. She still nurses for about 20 minutes.
Milestones: Smiling! She has the best smile, and she loves to show it off. She still rolls over from tummy to back on occasion, but it definitely isn't a regular thing yet. Ella has started to occasionally make some cooing sounds and they are too stinking cute. Her neck is really getting strong now
Likes: Sitting up//being held//sometimes she likes her mam pacifier and other times she prefers her wubbanub although she is the worst at keeping any pacifier in her mouth//having all the attention// looking at the lights on the Christmas tree
Dislikes: Not getting fed fast enough (girl gets HANGRY real fast)//gas pains//hiccups//tummy time
Personality: Ella smiles at you as soon as she sees you when she wakes up. She is so happy to be around people and to have attention. Girlfriend is dramatic already. Before she cries sometimes she will give us a major pouty lip and then start to cry. It's hilarious and sad all at the same time.
As I said to my sister-in-law, Brei, I could kiss the person who invented acid reflux medicine. Ella has become a whole new baby since we started her on the medicine. Before she was fussy allllll the time. She was never happy if you set her down and practically any time she was awake she had to have a pacifier in her mouth or she was not very happy. Basically, she was considered colicky before the medicine, and now she is an angel just like Hudson was. She is content to just hang out while she is awake. My only question is why in the world did we wait 6 weeks to bring her in to the doctor's for it?!
I've noticed that we call her Miss Ella and girlfriend an awful lot. Hudson says "Elwa," and it is the cutest. He stood on his wagon and grabbed one of our Christmas cards. The next thing I knew he was pointing to Ella in the picture and saying her name. He was sitting next to me when I uploaded her pictures on to this post, and he kept saying "Elwa" over and over again. He either wants nothing to do with her or he comes up and gives her kisses. As she was doing tummy time the other day I was laying on my stomach with her and said, "Go Ella." The next thing I knew Hudson was down on the ground with us, saying "Go Elwa," and cheering her on. He says hi to her all the time in his own soft and sweet way that we call his Ella voice. He brings her wubbanub to her and tries to put it in her mouth. The other day Ella was asleep in the living room in her rock n play. Hudson saw her wubbanub on the couch, brought it to her, tried to put it in her mouth, walked away while saying "nigh-night," and then he blew her a kiss. It was stinking adorable.
The smiles!!
Certainly not the greatest picture but another smile :)
& Christmas outfits! This outfit was Hudson's, but I how could I resist putting her in it?
Puppy Ella looks like a boy and looks just like Hudson did as a baby.
Once again I can't take her picture without Hudson jumping in.
The newborn stage is not mine or Taylor's favorite stage, so we are more excited with every passing month. She is already interacting so much more, and we can't wait for her and Hudson to really interact with each other. We sure love you, Miss Ella!
Hudson's 2 month update can be found here.
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