Weight: If our scale is right she is about 9 pounds exactly. At her 2 week check up she was 6 pounds 15.5 ounces.
Height: 21 inches
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: Newborn and some 0-3 month clothes. 0-3 month clothes are still on the bigger side. Pretty much all of the pants we have are too big on her.
Sleeping: I change, swaddle, and feed her any time after 8 (most of the time it's around 9) and then put her to bed in the pack n' play in our bedroom. She is usually up at least 2 times a night around 1 and 5, but the past few nights she has been up at least 3 if not 4 times. She eats and then goes right back to sleep without any problems. We really haven't established a nap time schedule yet because she still spends most of the day sleeping, but she is really starting to be awake more and more. When she is awake it is for about 2 hours at a time. She is a lot harder to get to sleep during the day than she is at night.
Eating: She nurses for about 20 minutes every 3 hours or so. When I pump and feed her from a bottle she eats 3 ounces. It took us trying a couple of different bottles before we were able to find one that she will drink from. She spits up quite a bit.
Milestones: Her neck is definitely getting stronger and she is getting better and better every day at holding up and controlling her head. She has rolled from her tummy to back 3 different times now, but it definitely isn't a regular thing.
Likes: Her pacifier//being held//sucking on her hands//sleeping in our arms//being swaddled and being warm.
Dislikes: Getting put in her car seat (once she is in it she's fine)//waiting to be fed//the hiccups//getting bathed//when Hudson drives his cars on her head.
Ella seems to have a pretty similar demeanor to what Hudson had at this age. She might be a little more high maintenance, but I think that is because I/we are trying to tend to two kids at once which means that I can't alwaysmeet her needs as fast as I could Hudson's.
Hudson absolutely adores her 90% of the time. He is constantly touching her head, giving her kisses, peeking in her car seat and saying "boo," holding her hand, and laying with her on the ground. He copies her head bobbing during tummy time and it is the funniest thing. I can't wait to see how their relationship changes as she starts to interact with him more.
1 Week old in this picture
& a comparison of her and Hudson.
I think Hudson was a week or two older than she was in this picture.
This was the best that I could get to compare the size of the two of them haha.
He will come up out of no where and hold her hand
Her first week at church when she was two weeks old.
Both dresses were her cousin Raelyn's.
Does it get any sweeter than a sleeping baby?
Hudson's 1 month update is found here.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)