Height: 27ish inches
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 6 months, 6-9 months, and 9 months.
Sleeping: Sleeps through the night. Two naps a day- one at 9:30ish and sometime between 2 and 3. She's really really great at sleeping in her crib.
Eating: 4-6 ounces every time she goes to sleep and she has a bottle when she wakes up in the morning. She still loves anything and everything we've fed her. She wants to eat whatever you're eating. She's regularly found eating any snack Hudson or Ella leave on the floor.
Milestones: She's everywhere and into everything. Cruising on furniture. In the last couple of days I have seen her start to try to stand without holding onto anything, but she's still a ways off from actually being able to stand independently. She has started to mimic other people's actions/noises.
Likes: her dad/ Hudson and Ella's room/ food/ moving around/ sippy cups/ blowing raspberries
Dislikes: Will/ being left alone/ getting buckled in her car seat/
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)
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