Height: 23 and a half inches
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: 0-3 months & 3 months with just a few newborn items still in the mix.
Sleeping: She take 3ish naps a day and is usually down for the night between 7 and 8. As long as she isn't overtired she is pretty easy to get to sleep. She has been moved into her own room, and we are working on getting her out of the rock n play and into her crib full time. She is always swaddled when she sleeps. We dream feed her some time between 10-11, and she usually only wakes up once a night. I'm dreading the 4 month sleep regression because she is sleeping pretty great right now.
Eating: 4 ounces every 3 hours.
Milestones: Her head control is nearing perfect. Hudson was rolling over by now, but she is nowhere near rolling over because she hates tummy time so much. She will last maybe 30 seconds before she is screaming. I don't know what happened to her rolling over at 3 weeks haha. Her hair has definitely started to grow and her eye lashes have gotten super long.
Likes: baths (finally!)//binkies//the play mat//jumparoo//hanging out in the bumbo
Dislikes: She still is not a fan of tummy time and that's about it for dislikes.
Personality: She is becoming so smiley and sweet. She has the biggest smiles when she first wakes up and sees you. She loves to talk to you whenever you talk to her, but otherwise she stays fairly quiet.
A dress that my sister and I both wore as babies and her Christmas outfit
Great Grandma Linda crocheted her some headbands per my request, and as a bonus she made a hat as well :)
I'm so grateful to have talented family members!
& She is really starting to love her bumbo.
She usually hangs out in it on the table while we eat dinner so she can be with us.
The coloring isn't the greatest in the picture of Hudson, but they look so similar!
I looked down at Ella last night as I was putting her to sleep, and I realized that our little girl is not a newborn anymore. Her little chicken legs have turned into chunky thighs, and her expressionless face is filled with smiles. Her constant sleeping has turned into more and more awake time. I must admit that it breaks my heart a little bit, but I am so excited for all that is to come.
Hudson's 3 month update can be found here.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)
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