Est. April 13, 2013

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September Shenanigans

We went camping for a night over Labor Day weekend at the same campground we went camping at last time. We were thinking about going for 2 nights, but that thought quickly disappeared as we tried going to sleep that first night.
Hudson refused to go to sleep. He was up until about midnight just climbing all over the bed and tent, which turned him into a cranky monster the next day.
We went hiking the next morning, but Hudson and my way too pregnant self did not make it very far, so we turned back a lot sooner than we expected to. 

He has learned the art of only eating the cream of oreos. 
If we give him an oreo he will more than likely eat the cream and throw the ends in the garbage. 

Before & after.
I wish I had a more decent before picture, but we redid our TV stand, kitchen table and chairs, and our counter stools. Hooray for furniture that matches!
It was a bit more frustrating and, of course, more hard work than I anticipated, but we love the way they turned out. 
Since we made our floors darker, it looks so much better to have some of our furniture lighter.
I am in love with how the table turned out.

Another day another Target trip.

The potato truck drove through town.
Guys, the potato isn't real!... 
It kind of breaks my heart that it's fake haha.

We went to Reed's Dairy for lunch one Saturday, so we had to stop and see the animals. 
Hudson kept mooing over and over again and then baaing over and over once we got to the sheep.
Also, Hudson grabbed that fedora hat when we were at Target and Taylor is a sucker for buying him things that he randomly grabs haha. 

We took advantage of September 24th being National Public Lands Day and headed up to Yellowstone since the admission was free for the day. We did the fast and condensed version because the weather wasn't the greatest, I was nearly 38 weeks pregnant, and we had a toddler who was so done with being in the car by the time we got home. (Though truthfully he did awesome in the car considering we drove for 8 hours that day, and I don't think he even slept for a full hour of it) I've always wanted to go to Yellowstone in the fall with the changing leaves, and it did not disappoint. It was great to have one last adventure with my little family before this baby is born.

We took the main loop around and hit as many sights as we could get in on our way. I forgot to grab our real camera, so these phone pictures will have to do. And let's be honest pictures that I would have taken with the real camera wouldn't have come out much better anyway ;)

Our first stop was at the Norris Geyser Basin.
We didn't walk down to the geysers because it had started to rain and we didn't have an umbrella, but the view was still beautiful.
This is how our little bookworm did the beginning of our drive in the park.
He loves to read and had no interest in the scenery at first haha.
Real life moment with a toddler.
Hudson is super into jumping right now, so every time we walked somewhere he wanted to jump the entire way.
This is how well our attempt at corralling him and actually getting somewhere at a normal pace went. 
Mooing at the bison.
He was so terrified to touch it at first.
We ate lunch at the restaurant inside Canyon Village.
How cute is my child?! The second picture about kills me :)
Lower falls and upper falls.
Yellowstone lake
We didn't take the time to stop, but it was one of my favorite parts with the snow topped mountains.
We arrived about 15 minutes after Old Faithful went off and ya know this was the fast and condensed version of Yellowstone so we didn't stick around to wait for it to go off again.
We did walk around and check it out and look at the gift shops.
Hudson burned off some serious energy here as he ran around like a wild man climbing on benches and logs.

Side note: Hudson in the gift shops might have actually been my favorite part of the whole trip. He kept walking around saying "woahhh" and "oh wow" and picking up every stuffed animal that they had. It was stinking adorable and he was so fascinated with everything that they had for sale.
We saw the most animals on our drive from Old Faithful to the outside of out of the park. 
There were multiple times that we were in essentially stop and go traffic from people slowing down to look at multiple groups of bison and elk. 
All of the animals were the perfect end to our time in the park.

Another thing to note is that unless you have a big fancy camera with a giant lense and a tripod, then you might as well not have a camera at all in Yellowstone. Everyone there was a photographer extraordinaire I tell ya haha.
I really love this little family of mine

This was my view a lot during the month of September as I attempted to bring on labor. 
Obviously it didn't work..
Hudson and I went on daily 2 mile walks every day that we could. 
I could count on 1 hand the number of days that we didn't go on our walk.
Our favorite days were the days that Taylor was able to join us.
I'm really going to miss our walks after the baby comes and the weather gets too cold.

We took a drive out to Afton to see the new Star Valley temple. 
It was the first temple open house that my sister and I had ever been to.
It is definitely a small temple, but definitely pretty.
I especially loved the colors of the stained glass window in the celestial room.
Hudson looked too cute with the little booties on while walking through the temple.
He was in awe of the very short coach bus ride from the church to the temple.
Sun in our eyes, a hungry toddler, and one great big 38 week belly.
The drive there and back was extra pretty with all of the fall leaves.
We stopped on our way home for some square ice cream and we were all ready for bed by the time we got home.

And just like that we are on to October.
Oh hey there baby month :)

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