Est. April 13, 2013

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A Baby Shower

My sister in law and my old roommate/best friend threw me the cutest baby shower this past Saturday. It was a country themed shower and you definitely can't go wrong with country. It was the details that made it so cute.

Those boots were the cutest touch 

The 'tractor tires' were oreos.
And pitch forks. Get it?! ;)

The names kill me.

Apparently I am the absolute worst at baby shower games.
We did this fill in the blank one, one about gestational ages for animals, and chocolate diapers.

Unfortunately, these are all the pictures that I have from the shower. My sister-in-law thought she was getting some great shots, but later found out that her memory card wasn't in her camera. I really appreciated the work that they put into the shower, and the few of my friends that made the effort to come. It was a very pleasant afternoon spent with great company. 

It made me even more excited for Hudson to come! 50 days :)

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