Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: Newborn
Sleeping: Oaklee continues to be a pretty good sleeper. She still loves being swaddled for sleep. Her swing is one of her favorite places to sleep. She usually goes to bed at 7ish when all of our other kids do and then she is up for the day around 7-7:30. We feed her when we go to bed and she wakes up one other time to eat around 5 hours later. I think she takes 3 naps a day, but honestly she naps when she's tired and sleeps when she can on days that we have appointments or errands to run so it really depends on if any of her naps have gotten interrupted. She can only handle being awake for about an hour at a time right now, so that is what determines her nap schedule.
Eating: She eats 3 ounces of formula every 3 or so hours during the day.
Milestones: First night spent camping. She was given her blessing by Taylor. First road trip. She was a great traveler! She slept the whole way there and back besides waking up long enough to eat once each way. Her hair has started to grow, which means she has some peach fuzz on top instead of being completely bald. She is starting to find her voice. She can hold her head up while sitting, but it can still be a little wobbly at times so she hasn't perfected her head control yet.
Likes: itsy ritzy brand binkies- she doesn't like any other brand. She doesn't even take the binky on wubbanubs as well as itsy ritzy even though they're basically the same. white noise. eye contact- makes her smile every time. Sit-me-up chair.
Dislikes: baths- hates being cold in the bath. hiccups. tummy time isn't an absolute dislike, but she doesn't last too long before she starts fussing.
Overall, Oaklee is a pretty easy baby. She has a pretty laid back personality and is usually content to just hang out. Although, it can be hard to let her just hang out since we have to constantly watch her to make sure she doesn't get trampled by her siblings or Macey. She is getting more interactive and smiley every day, and we can't get enough of it! Hudson and Ella are pretty obsessed with her smiles too and we hear lots of "aw she's so cute!" from them. I'm sad to see the newborn stage go, but I'm also ready for her to interact with us even more and be entertained by toys.
little workout partner.
I started working out again at 4 weeks with some low impact barre workouts, and it has felt so good to get my body moving again.
Barre workouts aren't my favorite, so now I'm now very happily doing my normal workouts again.
The yawning picture basically sums up her blessing. She was tired and ready for a nap, so she fussed during the blessing. After the blessing she was passed around to some different family members which led to more fussiness because she really just needed sleep and no one knows her like mom does haha, but oh well. All in all it went pretty well, and it was a special experience to have her blessed in our home.
Thanks for your blog. We always check for updates. Wish we could be there.