Height: 28.5 inches
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 9 months , but she is starting to switch to 12 month clothes
Sleeping: two 2 hour naps. Goes to bed at 7 and is up around 7:30. You put her in her crib with a bottle, a blanket, and her stuffed elephant, turn her fan on for white noise, and she is good to go.
Eating: She eats whatever we eat these days with 5ish ounces of milk every time she goes to sleep. She loves fruit, yogurt melts,
Milestones: First teeth! She has 3 total- 2 on top 1 on the bottom. She actually had her top teeth come in before her bottom teeth, so that's kind of interesting. She is walking! She walks everywhere now which is exciting and heartbreaking all at the same time. First intentional words: mama, dada, ya.
Likes: walking around, carrying things as she's walking, food, her little ride on music car she got for her birthday, climbing onto Ella's bed.
Dislikes: getting buckled in her car seat (she's usually fine once she's in it), being tired or hungry.
We sure do love you Avery Mae!
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