Weight: according to our scale she is right on 11 pounds
Height: 23 inches
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: 0-3 months and 3 months.
Sleeping: Avery continues to be a pretty good sleeper. She naps good in her car seat and great swaddled in her rock n play. She takes 3 naps a day, and is down for the night by 7- most of the time earlier than that. She sleeps in at least 5 hour stretches, but she regularly sleeps in longer stretches. She is still swaddled and has no desire for that to change. She sleeps better swaddled in her room with white noise on than she does being held (definitely a sign of not being a newborn anymore).
Eating: She eats 3 ounces of fortified formula every 3 hours during the day and whenever she wakes up at night.
Milestones: Avery got her ears pierced. She smiles all the time now. Awake for a lot longer periods of time compared to a newborn. First Thanksgiving.
Likes: sitting up// being held// binkies// getting attention// sleep
Dislikes: hiccups// tummy time (she doesn't absolutely hate it, but it isn't her favorite)
Avery continues to be a pretty easy baby. She is pretty much always happy and only cries if she is tired, hungry, or has the hiccups. She really is such a light in our lives and a joy to have in our family. After having Ella, Avery has definitely renewed my faith in babies again haha.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)