By some HUGE miracle morning sickness seemed to get better a day or two before I was 11 weeks. I felt like I could actually get off the couch and eat a little bit. I was amazed at how much better my body felt eating more or less 3 full meals a day after eating maybe 500 calories a day if I was lucky for weeks and weeks.
My energy slowly started to come back closer to 12 weeks, but I still nap most days for as long as I can get away with (which is never all that long). Bless Hudson's heart for being so nice to hang out and watch a show while I nap during Ella's nap. Every time after I wake up Hudson looks at me and excitedly says, "Are you awake mom??" The little man was such a trooper during the long weeks of morning sickness. He was so used to watching hardly any TV and getting out of the house most days. We had to do a TV detox again with him once I felt better which is sooo not my favorite thing to have to do. If you've been around Hudson lately you know he is OBSESSED with the showing Super Wings (it's on netflix). That all started because of this pregnancy.. oops.
At 16 weeks:
-I'm super close to being to the point of not being able to sleep on my stomach,
and it's breaking my heart.
-My hips have started to hurt a little when I lay certain ways. Isn't it way too early for that to be happening?!
-I've started to wear maternity jeans occasionally. Not that I need them yet, but they're so much comfier than regular jeans.
-I don't look pregnant. I just look fatter than I did before.
-Food cravings: Sweets, Chik-Fil-As spicy buffalo sauce, Herr's potato chips
A few questions we've been asked so far that I'm sure others are also wondering about:
Are you going to find out the gender?
Probably. We would be completely fine with not knowing except that coming up with two names would be too hard considering we can barely come up with one name. I do like the idea of not finding out the gender though, so we'll see..
Do you want a boy or a girl?
If we had to say a preference we would probably prefer a boy, but mostly we just don't want another baby that behaves like baby Ella did. I could really go either way though because I would love to see Ella playing with a little sister that is so close in age. At the same time, I would love to see another boy in Hudson's baby clothes, and it feels like it has been forever since we had a newborn boy.
Was it an accident/Are you crazy?
Yes to being crazy. No to it being an accident. We love the age gap between Hudson and Ella, and this baby and Ella will only be one month farther apart in age than Hudson and Ella. We want a big family, and I don't want to be 35 and still having kids. At this point my sanity is already gone, so what is one more anyway? If we have another child, I don't know that we'll continue with this age gap because it definitely isn't the easiest.
Will you be selling your house to get a bigger one?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: We live in a 3 bed 1 bath house, so it's going to get a little more cramped, but we won't be going anywhere for a few more years. We love our low mortgage payments, and we won't buy a new house at least until both of our vehicles are paid off. Ella is already in a twin size bed that will convert into a bunk bed with the twin bed Hudson sleeps on. At some point just before or shortly after this baby comes we'll be moving Ella into Hudson's room. I'm sure it will be rough getting them both to sleep at night at first and probably forever, but it will be just fine. The people we bought this house from actually had 4 kids, so I'm not going to complain.
Are you sure it's not twins? (You'd be surprised at how many times we've gotten this one)
Pretty dang sure considering we had an ultrasound at almost 9 weeks, and there was only one baby to be seen. And there was only one heartbeat found during my appointment at 12 weeks. Taylor being a twin has nothing to do with our chances of having twins, and twins don't run in my family. I know that twins can be completely random so I'm crossing my fingers that I'm not jinxing us for any future pregnancies by what I just said.
Will this be your last child?
We don't know. I'm not a huge fan of being pregnant, so I like the idea of this being my last pregnancy. We don't intend to have a dozen kids, but we also don't have an exact number that we are 100% set on having. I guess we'll just have to see if we can even handle three kids before we even think about having more..
This pregnancy feels so different from the other two because I don't feel stressed out about getting everything we need for a baby or getting an entire wardrobe for a girl. I'm not constantly thinking of all the things we need to get and do to prepare for the baby like I was with Hudson and Ella. We chose to buy a new swing and we need a new baby monitor and should probably get a new set of bottles, but otherwise I think we have everything we need. Actually now that I think of it, we should probably get some new velcro swaddlers too.. I feel like I can just relax and get excited to have another little one joining out family rather than worry about preparing and buying things for a baby.
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