I asked Hudson to do something, and he replied, "Ok. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine."
Refers to bagels as "doughnuts."
Calls the piston cup (from cars) "piss in a cup." We're working to correct that pronunciation really hard.
After telling him our plan for the morning (get doughnuts and visit Taylor at work/see daddy's tractors), Hudson was repeating the plan back to me. "See daddy's tractors and get doughnuts and pizza!" Sorry buddy, we're not getting pizza at 9 in the morning.
After repeatedly being told to leave Ella alone Hudson said, "But I caaaan't!"
I backed out of the car port to pull back in because I had parked a little too close to the wall. As I was backing out Hudson said, "try again, mom."
After going to the bathroom I was helping him wipe when Ella walked into the doorway. Hudson quickly exclaimed, "Go away, Ella! I yucky!"
While fixing Hudson's motorcycle Taylor said to himself, "I need a screwdriver."
Hudson replied, "Ok! Mommy, dad needs a screwdriver!"
While saying the prayer over dinner one night Ella gagged on the food she had already started eating.
Hudson immediately stopped his prayer, turned to her, said "Excuse you!?", and then continued on with his prayer like nothing happened.
Calls soap and hand sanitizer "rub rub" because when he uses them he's always told to rub rub rub rub rub.
While helping unload groceries from the van he exclaimed, "Pumpkin pie!? My dinner!"
I asked Hudson to clean up his toys. He replied, "Whaaaat?! Are you kidding me mom?"
A casual conversation one day went like this:
"Do you want a puppy, Hudson?"
"No. I want a dinosaur."
One morning he was hanging out in his batman footie jammies riding one of the little ride on toys we have. Ella came up and gave him a push just like he does to her, and Hudson looked at her and said with the most serious tone "Don't push Batman."
Helping Hudson say the prayer over dinner one night..
Me: "Say in the name of Jesus Christ"
Hudson: "In the name of Mater"
Taylor and I lost it at that one.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)