Weight: 20 pounds and a couple ounces. Girlfriends weighs 3 more pounds than Hudson did at this age.
Height: 28.5 inches
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 9 months
Sleeping: She takes two 2 hourish naps a day. She is sleeping through the night. She sleeps 7:30-7:30, and I could not be happier about that. She likes to be swaddled to fall asleep, but she doesn't actually sleep swaddled if that makes any sense. The poor velcro swaddles are getting so small on her hahaha.
Eating: She'll drink 6 ounces whenever she goes to sleep, but if she is awake she prefers food over a bottle. You can literally never feed her fast enough. She screams and grunts in between every bite because she wants more immediately. She really only likes fruit flavored purees, but she'll eat any and all real food. Favorites include, rice, potato salad, bread, graham crackers, chicken, and watermelon.
Milestones: Cruising along furniture and starting to use the walker. She still doesn't have any teeth, and she doesn't have much hair either. Baby noises have turned into babbling. She taught herself to clap, but she won't do it when prompted. She says, "momomomom" all the time.
Likes: anything that isn't a baby toy/ yogurt melts/ bath time/ being tickled/ mom/ playing in Hudson's room
Dislikes: diaper changes (she just wants to move)/ getting dressed or undressed/ being left alone/ having food taken away from her
Personality: Ella's sassy side is certainly coming out. She wants things to be her way, and wants to play with whatever she wants without Hudson or anyone else messing with whatever she has. She is super clingy and always has to be right under your feet. She absolutely hates it when you walk away from her, and prefers to be around mom the most. Other than being clingy, she is a pretty happy baby, and we certainly won't complain because she's an angel compared to her colicky days.
Hudson's 9 month update can be found here.
![photo RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png](https://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af248/ashzieg/RachelSIG_zpse5d0a175.png)